
  1. jobname
  2. jobnum
  3. workplace
  4. companyname
  5. begintime
  6. endtime
  • gm of strategic investment dept.
  • 1
  • 潮州
  • 华丰集团
  • 2018-01-22
  • 2018-01-22

post duties:

tenure requirements:
gm of strategic investment dept. 
- age 35-45, bachelor’s degree or above in economics, finance, legal or related;
- substantial experience in strategic planning and implementation, investment and financing management in large enterprises or listed companies; 
- familiar with equity management, capital operation and performance management of business planning; 
- familiar with relevant laws & regulations, investment & financing, and merger & acquisition;
- applicants with resources of investment banks or venture capital are preferred. 
salary: 500,000 yuan per year or above, negotiable

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